Monday, February 24, 2020

How might the recent consultation on No Secrets impact on social work Essay

How might the recent consultation on No Secrets impact on social work practice in safeguarding adults Draw on your knowledge of the personalisation agenda to inform your discussion - Essay Example This paper could also be in terms of seeking to identify and execute pre-designed projects. Again, Department of Health, (DoH) the Home Office (HO) and the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) launched a national consultation on the review of the No Secrets guidance. This consultation paper was about how the public, especially vulnerable people should identify and manage risk, particularly as efforts are being made to move towards increasing choice and control for people with learning and other kinds of disabilities. Through this paper, a critical analysis is being directed on of how the recent consultation on No secrets impacted social work practice in relation to safeguarding adults. It needs to draw from knowledge of the personalisation agenda. At the outset, it is necessary to know how the national framework paper No Secrets defines vulnerable person. According to it, â€Å"A Vulnerable adult is any person aged 18 or over who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of: Thus it becomes to understand and explain about the aspects of personalisation. In effect â€Å"This means that every person who receives support, whether provided by statutory services or funded by themselves, will be empowered to shape their own lives and the services they receive in all care settings.† (An introduction to personalisation, 2008). It also means that the degree of care and standards of providing high quality health services becomes a sine quo non in as far as health services in the UK context are concerned. It could also be in terms of the fact that vulnerable persons, people who may be higher degree of susceptible to abuses, either of psychological or physical nature, need to be afforded a better degree of care and attention that normal people. This is because these vulnerable people have a lower degree of physical and mental self defense mechanism than normal

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Unit 3 Case Mangaement Discussion Research Paper

Unit 3 Case Mangaement Discussion - Research Paper Example However such boundaries should not isolate or alienate the client, instead they should seek to foster a relationship based on mutual respect (Summers, 2011). Professional boundaries are an exemplary illustration of limits set primarily to protect clients. These boundaries place emphasis on case manager-client privilege protection, thus preventing the CM service provider from revealing confidential information about the client. Additionally, professional boundaries demarcate the extent of the relationship between a service provider and the client (Summers, 2011). Transference may occur when a client asks the service provider to interact with him/her socially beyond the professional environment. This occurs if the case manager reminds the client of someone special in their life. For instance, a depressed widow may get attracted to a male grief counsellor, especially if the latter has distinctive features reminding her of her late husband (Summers, 2011). A case manager of utmost competence must learn to accept transference when it occurs. This is because transference is neither good nor bad, since it is inevitable in CM relationships. Acceptance, however, does not imply that a case manager should submit to the client’s negative or positive feelings. Instead, a CM manager should strive to maintain professional boundaries (Summers,