Saturday, December 28, 2019

Traducir Conjugation in Spanish, Translations, and Examples

The irregular verb traducir usually means to translate, although it can also mean to explain or to change one thing (not just a language) to another. Below youll find tables with the complete  traducir  conjugation. How to Conjugate Traducir?   Traducir conjugates in two ways that are different from regular -ir verbs: When the second syllable is stressed and -duc- is followed by an a or o, -duc- becomes -duzc-.When the second syllable is stressed and -duc- is followed by an e or i, -duc- becomes -duj-. The tenses  that are irregular are the present indicative, the preterite indicative, the present subjunctive, and the imperfect subjunctive. The other indicative tenses (imperfect, conditional, and conditional) are regular, as are the imperative mood (commands), the gerund, and the past participle. All other verbs ending in -ducir also follow this pattern. There are about a dozen such verbs, the most common being conducir (to drive or conduct), inducir (to induce), introducir (to insert or introduce), reducir (to reduce), reproducir (to reproduce), and seducir (to tempt). Present Indicative Tense of Traducir Yo traduzco I translate Yo traduzco libros infantiles. T traduces You translate T traduces el documento para tus amigos. Usted/l/ella traduce You/he/she translates Ella traduce los trminos tcnicos. Nosotros traducimos We translate Nosotros traducimos las noticias del espaol al ingls. Vosotros traducs You translate Vosotros traducs los discursos al lenguaje de seas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas traducen You/they translate Ellos traducen las instrucciones. Traducir Preterite The preterite is one of the two simple past tenses of Spanish. Its use is similar to the simple past tense in  English and is typically used for actions that had a clear end. Yo traduje I translated Yo traduje libros infantiles. T tradujiste You translated T tradujiste el documento para tus amigos. Usted/l/ella tradujo You/he/she translated Ella tradujo los trminos tcnicos. Nosotros tradujimos We translated Nosotros tradujimos las noticias del espaol al ingls. Vosotros tradujisteis You translated Vosotros tradujisteis los discursos al lenguaje de seas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas tradujeron You/they translated Ellos tradujeron las instrucciones. Imperfect Indicative Form of Traducir The  imperfect tense  is Spanishs second simple past tense. It doesnt have a direct equivalent in English, although it is used in ways similar to used to verb or was/were verb -ing. Yo traduca I was translating Yo traduca libros infantiles. T traducas You were translating T traducas el documento para tus amigos. Usted/l/ella traduca You/he/she was translating Ella traduca los trminos tcnicos. Nosotros traducamos We were translating Nosotros traducamos las noticias del espaol al ingls. Vosotros traducais You were translating Vosotros traducais los discursos al lenguaje de seas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas traducan You/they were translating Ellos traducan las instrucciones. Traducir Future Tense The simple future of Spanish is similar to the will verb form of English. Yo traducir I will translate Yo traducir libros infantiles. T traducirs You will translate T traducirs el documento para tus amigos. Usted/l/ella traducir You/he/she will translate Ella traducir los trminos tcnicos. Nosotros traduciremos We will translate Nosotros traduciremos las noticias del espaol al ingls. Vosotros traduciris You will translate Vosotros traduciris los discursos al lenguaje de seas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas traducirn You/they will translate Ellos traducirn las instrucciones. Periphrastic Future of Traducir The periphrastic future in Spanish works like it does in English. A conjugated form of ir, the verb for to go, is followed by the infinitive. Yo voy a traducir I am going to translate Voy a traducir libros infantiles. T vas a traducir You are going to translate T vas a traducir el documento para tus amigos. Usted/l/ella va a traducir You/he/she is going to translate Ella va a traducir los trminos tcnicos. Nosotros vamos a traducir We are going to translate Nosotros vamos a traducir las noticias del espaol al ingls. Vosotros vais a traducir You are going to translate Vosotros vais a traducir los discursos al lenguaje de seas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas van a traducir You/they are going to translate Ellos van a traducir las instrucciones. Present Progressive/Gerund Form of Traducir The Spanish gerund is also known as the present participle. It is used in compound verbs to form the progressive or continuous tenses. Gerund of Traducir traduciendo Is translating Ella està ¡ traduciendo los tà ©rminos tà ©cnicos. Past Participle of Traducir Past participles can be used to form the perfect tenses. They can also function as adjectives. Thus un libro traducido is a translated book. Participle of Traducir traducido Has translated Ella ha traducido los tà ©rminos tà ©cnicos. Conditional Form of Traducir Yo traducira I would translate Yo traducira libros infantiles si hablara francs. T traduciras You would translate T traduciras el documento para tus amigos si estuvieras aqu. Usted/l/ella traducira You/he/she would translate Ella traducira los trminos tcnicos si los entendiera. Nosotros traduciramos We would translate Nosotros traduciramos las noticias del espaol al ingls si hubiera algo nuevo. Vosotros traducirais You would translate Vosotros traducirais los discursos al lenguaje de seas si funcionaran las pantallas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas traduciran You/they would translate Ellos traduciran las instrucciones si las comprendieran. Present Subjunctive of Traducir Que yo traduzca That I translate Santiago espera que yo traduzca libros infantiles. Que t traduzcas That you translate Me alegra que t traduzcas el documento para tus amigos. Que usted/l/ella traduzca That you/he/she translate Pablo quiere que ella traduzca los trminos tcnicos. Que nosotros traduzcamos That we translate Es importante que nosotros traduzcamos las noticias del espaol al ingls. Que vosotros traduzcis That you translate Mara quiere que vosotros traduzcis los discursos al lenguaje de seas. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas traduzcan That you/they translate Alejandro prefiere que ellos traduzcan las instrucciones. Imperfect Subjunctive Form of Traducir Either one of the verb forms shown below can be used for the imperfect or past subjunctive, although the first is more common. Option 1 Que yo tradujera That I translated Santiago esperaba que yo tradujera libros infantiles. Que t tradujeras That you translated Me alegr que t tradujeras el documento para tus amigos. Que usted/l/ella tradujera That you/he/she translated Pablo quera que ella tradujera los trminos tcnicos. Que nosotros tradujramos That we translated Era importante que nosotros tradujramos las noticias del espaol al ingls. Que vosotros tradujerais That you translated Mara quera que vosotros tradujerais los discursos al lenguaje de seas. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas tradujeran That you/they translated Alejandro prefera que ellos tradujeran las instrucciones. Option 2 Que yo tradujese That I translated Santiago esperaba que yo tradujese libros infantiles. Que t tradujeses That you translated Me alegr que t tradujeses el documento para tus amigos. Que usted/l/ella tradujese That you/he/she translated Pablo quera que ella tradujese los trminos tcnicos. Que nosotros tradujsemos That we translated Era importante que nosotros tradujsemos las noticias del espaol al ingls. Que vosotros tradujeseis That you translated Mara quera que vosotros tradujeseis los discursos al lenguaje de seas. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas tradujesen That you/they translated Alejandro prefera que ellos tradujesen las instrucciones. Imperative Forms of Traducir Imperative (Positive Command) T traduce Translate! Traduce el documento para tus amigos! Usted traduzca Translate! Traduzca los trminos tcnicos! Nosotros traduzcamos Lets translate! Traduzcamos las noticias del espaol al ingls! Vosotros traducid Translate! Traducid los discursos al lenguaje de seas! Ustedes traduzcan Translate! Traduzcan las instrucciones! Imperative (Negative Command) T no traduzcas Dont translate! No traduzcas el documento para tus amigos! Usted no traduzca Dont translate! No traduzca los trminos tcnicos! Nosotros no traduzcamos Lets not translate! No traduzcamos las noticias del espaol al ingls! Vosotros no traduzcis Dont translate! No traduzcis los discursos al lenguaje de seas! Ustedes no traduzcan Dont translate! No traduzcan las instrucciones!

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on Russia The Tsar Regime - 2020 Words

After the Tsar regime was overthrown in 1917, Russia experienced further discontent as its people carried out revolution and civil war (Modern World History: Russia 1905-41). From these occurrences, Russia then became the first communist state in the world. The Bolsheviks had become the ruling party after taking over the Provisional Government in the revolution of November 1917. Vladimir Lenin had been the leader of this party. There was a bitter civil war between the Communists who were the Reds and the opposition being the Whites. As a final point the Bolsheviks defeated their enemies in the Russian Civil War that lasted for 3 years and ended in 1920. When the Bolsheviks took over after winning the Civil War they had complete control†¦show more content†¦The Russians had given them peace terms that they found them difficult to comply to and too severe. War Communism had been implemented by Lenin in 1918 because of the needs of the Civil War. The Russian economy was now aimed at providing the supplies it needed for the army (Modern World History: War Communism and Red Terror). The Bolsheviks party decided to move away from state capitalism because they felt the need to intensify authority, through communism (Reaction and Revolution: Russia 1894-1924 Third Edition: War Communism). Lenin introduced harsh restrictive policies to create the new communist rule. All aspects of life in Russia were controlled by the Bolsheviks as they implemented severe terms upon its people. Social, political and economic areas of life had to become subordinate to the aim of winning the Civil War (Reaction and Revolution: Russia 1894-1924 Third Edition: War Communism). The aim of War Communism was to bring industry and agriculture under central control. Thus the policy of centralization was put into play. This concentrated mainly on the political and economic center of Russia. In addition this created a great increase of Bolshevik influence. There was development within the factories through Bolsheviks influence. Lenin then put a Decree on Nationalism. In less than two years Russia’s enterprises were all under the central government controlShow MoreRelatedAssess the Role of the Tsar in the Fall of the Tsarist Regime931 Words   |  4 PagesAssess the role of the Tsar in the fall of the Tsarist Regime. In Russia, Tsarism had been the system of government since 1547, the country being ruled as an autocracy. For many years the Tsars had been powerful, strong and had the qualities needed to be a great leader, though in 1917, the Tsarist regime came to an end, with Nicholas Romanov II as the country’s current monarch. Tsar Nicholas played a great role in the fall of Tsarism; his incompetency and lack of leadership skills lead to downfallRead MoreEssay about Tsars Survival of the 1905 Revolution1223 Words   |  5 Pagesbattering, Tsar Nicolas III had to cope with opposition from all sides. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Report of Analyzing Business risk - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the Report of Analyzing Business risk. Answer: Introduction This report is analyzing business risk assessments for GPT Group Stapled organization that is a leading real estate company of Australia. In this regard, the report is describing several criterias such as understanding business nature, industry, legal environment, external environmental factors, business risks, management and governance that may impact on an organizations profitability and performance. Nature of the entity GPT Group Stapled is a leading real estate company of Australia, which is registered as name of GPT Companyin Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). The business operations of this company are related to investment in commercial, retail, industrial, hotel and office park properties through different segments such as office, retail, logistics, corporate and fund management. GPT Group Stapled Company is standing with $20 billion market capitalization and has substantial investor base more than 35000 investors (GPT, 2017). The financial management platform of the company is focused on Australias office and retail sector to enhance the growth profile and returns of the groups with leveraging the experience and skills of the team members. Companys financial management platform provides an important source of income through property management, fund management and development management charges. The financial management platform of the company comprises GPT Wholesale Office Fund (GWOF) with $6.6 billion and GPT Wholesale Shopping Centre Fund (GWSCF) with $3.8 billion to provide the high quality office assets in Australian real estate market (The GPT Group, 2017). Understanding the Industry The Australian real estate industry is growing with 4.2% annual growth rate with presenting 18% of the GDP. In Australia, the growth of the real estate market is supported by better supply chain in the industry (KPMG, 2017). Supply chain system in Australia is accountable for the real estate companies and procurement to make the effective portfolio strategy, analyzing the purchasing initiatives, monitoring and delivery of the strategic management procurement events on time. In this industry, the competent stakeholder management is demonstrated on the basis of effective customer and supplier engagement, communication, consultation, negotiation and reporting (Delacy, 2015). As well as the legal obligations and administrating policies also pursuant supply chain system to improve the procurement results. Furthermore, it is found that the major real estate players in Australia are Elders Real Estate, LJ Hooker, Harcourts Group, Barry Plant and Richardson Wrench. These players are devoted to provide luxurious services in real estate market of Australia, which are supported by different factors such as population growth, job creation, demographics, infrastructure, lifestyle and amenity (Macro, 2017). In the recent years, the population of Australia has been increased due to attractive business and educational environment. Due to these reasons the demand of houses in Australia has been increased and provided opportunities for the real estate companies in the country. As the Australian real estate market has greater opportunities for the investors, therefore it also attracts new real estate companies for investment. In this concern, there is threat of new competitors in the industry, which may impact on the established real estate companies. Understanding the legal environment The legal environment is a legal framework provided by the local or state authority of Australia in which a firm operates its operational activities. The Australian government encompasses different legislations such as statutory low, common law, company Act, Corporation Act and consumer law that are essential to operate the business activities in Australia (Trade Portal, 2017). Furthermore, the disability discrimination legislation, age discrimination legislation, rise in minimum remuneration and increased requirements for the organizations to recycle have been affected to the organizations operational activities. Furthermore, it is analyzed that the political environment of Australia is stable that is beneficial for the companies because in a stable political environment the organizations can flow the rights through to bottom line. Hence, the legal and political environment of the country has greater opportunities for the businesses. Understanding external environmental factors There are different types of external environmental factors that may impact on an organizations operational and functional activities. In this regard, different external environmental factors are discussed as below: a) PEST analysis PEST analysis is an important external factor, which may influence to an organizations operational activities. It is a process of classifying political, economic, social and technological factors of a specific territory that may impact on an organization. PEST analysis is used to generate better understanding about the external environment in which an industry want to operate its business activities (Kenis et al., 2012). In this concern, the PEST analysis of Australia is analyzed as below: Political factors: In Australia, the political environment is stable that is supportive for the growing industries as well as small enterprises. There are no conflicts and wars within the country that make this nation attractive for the foreign investor. Australia has attractive trading policies for the foreign investors with favorable conditions in their trades (Zalucki et al., 2011). Therefore, the stability of political environment creates opportunities for real estate organizations to expand business with lower risks. Economic factors: In recent years, it is observed that the GDP growth rate and employment growth rate of Australia are decreased that have impacted to Australians lifestyle. Due to decreased economic growth Australia does not seem to be favorable for the businesses. Furthermore, the Tax rates and interest rate in Australia are highly competitive in compare to its major economies. The competitive tax rate seems to be feasible for GPT Group Stapled Company to operate the business activities in a sound work environment (Queensland Government, 2017). In addition, the interest rate in Australia is less than 3%. Therefore, the real estate companies can get finance at lower cost for their daily operational activities. Social factors: As Australia is an educational hub for the international students and attracts to foreign workers, therefore the population of Australia tremendously increased in the recent years. Due to immigrants in Australia from different countries created religious diversity and generated different types of demand in the country. In order to meet housing demand of these customers, the real estate companies obtained opportunities to develop their business in the territory. Furthermore, the education standard of Australia is higher therefore the companies have needed to provide detailed information regarding their products and services because the higher educational environment has higher advantage for an organization in terms of the business operations (Kenis et al., 2012). Therefore, the social factors are favorable for GPT Group Stapled Company in Australia. Technological factors: Australia is a technological advanced economy in the world. Advancement of technology can reduce production cost, improve quality and produce innovative products. There are two government organizations namely CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization) and ASTEC (Australian Science and Technology Council) that support to technological development in the country. Furthermore, there the information and communication technology is also on higher stage, which supports to the organizations to communicate easily with its stakeholders as well as customers (Queensland Government, 2017). In this way, it is analyzed that the technological factors are favorable for GPT Group Stapled Company to operate its business activities in the country. b) SWOT analysis SWOT analysis refers to strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats for an organization. In this regard, the SWOT analysis of GPT Group Stapled Company is described in the below table: Strengths Better strategic expansion and development Better operating margin Standard quality of products and Weaknesses The profiles are not too diversified Diminishing rent of offices in malls and supermarkets Opportunities Development of the industry in growing and stable economy Scope of diversification it its profile Threats Strong competition in the market Indecisive microeconomic parameters c) Porters five forces analysis In the revolutionary business world Porters five forces analysis is used as a marketing strategy to analyze the external market. These five forces are discussed as below: Threat of New Entrants: It is analyzed that the Australian real estate market has better opportunities for the investors. Therefore, there are threats of new entrance in property market that may impact on the profitability of GPT Group Stapled Company. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Generally, the real estate companies buy their raw materials from different suppliers that may impact on margins their margins. In the real estate industry, bargaining power of the suppliers is higher that may impact on profitability of GPT Group Stapled Company (Kenis et al., 2012). Bargaining Power of Buyers: The buyers mostly wan to buy products and services at lower prices with superlative offers. In this regard, it is analyzed that the there are higher bargaining power of the buyers that have impact on the GPT Groups profitability. Threat from Substitute Products: In Australian real estate marker, there are big players who are providing the dwelling facilities same as GPT Group in the industry. The similar products and services may impact on the profitability of GPT Group. There is high range of substitute products and services in the real estate therefore the company should focus on core needs of the customers to compete in the market rather than what the customers are buying. Rivalry among the existing players: GPT Group is operating its operational activities among the existing big players in Australia, which may affect the overall profitability of the group. The competitive rivalry firm may force other organizations to drive down pieces. Hence, the Australian real estate market highly competitive due to existing rivalry firms. d) Other external factor There different external factor such as economic condition, availability of finance, interest rates, currency revaluation and inflation that have impact on real estate industry of the nation. In regard, it is observed that the economic condition of Australia is strong in the world (Trading Economics, 2017). Furthermore, there are various financial institutions and banks, which are providing the finance at the competitive interest rates for the investors. The below table is presenting the Australias competitive interest rate. In addition, the inflation rate of Australia has increased in the present year which have depreciated the currency and increased the cost of dwelling for the customers (Trading Economics, 2017). Due to increasing inflation rate the operational activities of real estate organizations have been affected in great manner. Understand objectives, strategies and Assessing Business Risks a) Industry development: The real estate industry is rapidly growing industry in the world with having the contribution 18% in the countrys GDP (KPMG, 2017). But, the industry is facing lack of expert labour in construction industries, which may impact on the organizations performance. b) New products and services: GPT Group introduces new and attractive for the customers but it also increase the liability of safe and eco friendly services in the market. c) Expansion of the business: In Australia, GPT Company is expanding its business activities but it also has some business risks. In this concern, it is identified that due to increasing population of migrants it become difficult to estimate the actual demand of property. In addition, the inflation rate and fluctuated exchange rate also generate the risks in expansion of the business operations. d) New accounting requirements: The technological development also changed the accounting requirements for the organizations. In this concern, the real estate organizations are facing improper accounting implementation and increasing costs in their accounting processes. e) Regulatory requirements: There are strict and standard rules and regulations for the real estate organizations to regulate their business activities. As well as, the increased legal exposures are also generating the problems in front of the real estate organizations. f) Current and prospective financing requirements: It is analyzed that the financial requirements of GPT Group has increased due to business expansion in recent years. As well as, the liabilities of the company also increased that would be risky for the company in making better financial performance in future. g) Use of IT: Protection of data and information is an essential technical tool for the organization. Due to developing IT the real estate organizations are facing incompatible processes and systems that may result of loss of relevant data. h) Effects of implementing a strategy: In an organization, the implementation of a new strategy has need of expertise for successful results. If, the strategy is implemented in improper way than there may be risk of business failure. Performing Analytical Procedures to understand Entitys Performance GPT Group Stapled: Calculation of Ratio Ratio 2014 2015 2016 Net Profit margin % 99.32 122.1 153.16 Return On Assets % 6.59 8.2 10.1 Return on Equity % 9.46 12.01 14.58 Assets Turnover (Average) 0.07 0.07 0.07 (Sources: GPT Group, 2017) L J Hooker: Calculation of Ratio Ratio 2014 2015 2016 Net Profit Margin % 3.47 5.15 6.53 Return on Assets % 5.09 7.71 9.16 Return on Equity % 5.97 9.06 10.79 Assets Turnover (Average) 1.47 1.49 1.4 (Sources: LJ Hooker, 2017) Interpretation: As per the given ratio, it can be concluded that the profitability ratio of the company in terms of net profit margin ration in 2016 is 153.16 as compared to both years. Company has earned more profit in the year of 2016. At the same, return on assets in 2014is 6.59 to 2016 is 10.1. It is favorable for the company. In addition to this, the return on equity ratio in 2015 is 12.01 an in the year 2016, it is 14.58. It shows that the company has doing its business effectively. The Company earns good profit in 2016. On the other hand, compared with the competitive firm, the GPT group has earned more profit as compare with LJ Hooker. Understand management and Governance Communication and enforcement of integrity and ethical values: GPT Group increases the robust framework in its business operations that clearly indicate the code of internal and ethics communication policies, which helps the management in taking effective decision (Thomas and Sassi, 2011). The bank is effectively designed, implemented and increased an integrated compliance framework, which set by the compliance policy and supported by compliance process, assurance and plans. Likewise, the board offers a strong compliance culture, which has disseminated at all hierarchical levels as well as has based on the sound regulations, best practices and sound law. Participation by those charged with governance: Experience and Stature of Board members: In present, there are 9 board members with having more than 30 years experience in their duties. One is group chief executive and chairperson and 7 members is non- executive director (Woods, et al., 2012). Interactions with external and internal auditors: The board of director has appropriately evaluated the reports previously represented to the external auditors (Mihret and Admassu, 2011). The board of directs have evaluated and admired the whole report before representing to the auditors and yield appropriate response in any issue. The extent of involvement: The association of the board has to present the stakeholder and serve the interest of the business with analyzing its strategies, performance and policies. Besides, the companys performance has monitored by the board and makes sustainable value for stakeholder during agreement with duties and responsibility by the board of company and law (?enda? et al., 2012). Independence from management: The directors independence level has based on the conditions. Following the some condition as per below: The company within the previous five years associates with the director. The companys director has established several compensation and fees during the type of share and cash as well as whether or not the director contributions during the companys executive shared the option performance pays schemes (Ben-Amar and Zeghal, 2011). The director has significant investment in the business and if he/she present and signify the significant investor of the business. rganizational structure: Criteria of taking and management of business risk: An important part of business is comprises of management of business risk. It exists in the form of two categories. Initial risk is associated with finance, which is effectively managed by the finance team (Bromiley, et al., 2015). This may happened due to inefficient management of cash flow to operations. Another risk is associated with the fall in sale and profitability. Action and attitude for financial reporting: Fairness, consistency and transparency are some of the attributes provided by financial reporting standards. Subjective judgment of management faces several types of issues like valuating profits and measures of deprecation. Financial issue profits an understanding on various issues and behavior to the auditor (Lou and Wang 2011). Attitude towards information processing and accounting functions and personnel: Optimum qualified staff equipped with full finance and information technology is very essential connections with third parties, control and administrative systems aids in taking strategic decisions to the managers (Egan and Mullin, 2012). Structure of organization: An ISA 315 standard provides structure to bank. It means that framework of banking activities provides help in achieving its objectives (Ong, et al., 2014). In the documents of the company GPT has situates in different countries and it has operating its business in different countries. Human Resource policies and practices: In order with ISA 315, human resource has a key matter into the business, which concerned the standards of control. In the IAS 315, the plans and necessities have structured by this manner that make sure which only competent individuals by integrity that has employed with the company. The company member has allotted the task and compare with the performance according to the standers (Alfes, et al., 2013). The company has accomplished the induction program for the new workers. On the other hand, the company has provided the suitable training to the workers according to their position and role. Assignment of authority and responsibility: The Companys procedures have spread in the different countries. The workforce size has the large that shows the larger amount of the assignment of the responsibility and authority (Dafflon, 2015). The clear authority and responsibility has construction, which specify points the objectives, responsibility and action of the entities, which helped the decision-making. Conclusion From the above discussion it can be concluded that the external factor have impacted to an organization in great manner. It is analyzed that the Australian real estate market is highly competitive in the world therefore the related organizations must evaluate the industry with analyzing different external factors for better business results. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Night Shifts (After Seneca) free essay sample

There I stand behind a counter that blocks me from this world. I hear the customers chit-chat in a high pitch only known as frustration. Which will she buy for the dress, she declares, seeing her daughter. The daughter responds in a tone maybe only dogs should hear that she hates every last option. In the background you get the white-out noise of a dissatisfied huff which could only mean that they theyre going to argue when they get to the front. A small little carriage squeaks as it passes, sharing that the lady will be leaving soon. I stand not sure whether to roll the cart to put away the fabric or to stay and help my friend. He mumbles to himself how he needs a smoke and a good coffee as he stomps his feet and forcefully puts the fabric on the table with a smack. He has some type of old and whimsical music playing from a not so timeless radio. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Shifts (After Seneca) or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A couple asks for assistance in the jewelry section, and he with his overly alert mind, has a rapid response. I hear him walk away from the counter from which we stand. The manger is quickly speaking Spanish (which she does not know all the words to) in an attempt to talk to an older gentleman about how to make a gift to surprise his youngest. She with her loud voice can be heard from a few rows awaya sing song-y voice that rolls into laughter. Handing me the fabric he needs cut, I try to find the groove for cutting and the sound of metal meeting itself ends with a clunk. As the scissors now snip into the fabric, she continues to talk louder as she steps into the next aisle till she finds what she was looking for. You can now hear my friend returning from helping the couple; I can almost feel his scream as it hits my ear when he sets off the seasonal motion sensor products. He overly complains that he isnt paid for a heart attack but really is now fighting the laughter that wont sto p, seeing this will be the second time this night he mimicked a small childs scream. Now to quiet the store, he gets on the speaker and announces that we will be closing soon in attempt to have everyone stop commenting on the last event. As we begin to close, you hear the final carriages being put back into their homes with the sound of them forcefully being put back together. The soft chatter of each customer leaving the store begins to die out till only one or two are left. The time is coming close to the end with each announcement booming over our heads; you can hear each workers desperation to finally walk through the doors to start their journeys home. One co-worker has begun the deep sighs of exhaustion that can tell the story of what life has thrown at them. It is finally closing time. As the last few customers head to the front, so do the employees. One of us heads to the door to lock it as each person finishes their transaction. One girl checks out the rest of the line as the manager begins to close the draws. You can hear many good nights and final questions. Trying to close as fast as we can, we escort the last one out. The store haves everything lock and ready to rest. My friend calls over the manger, and they go out for a last smoke before the real work begins. Being outside in the bitter air, you can almost hear the soft hum of the highway and even more closer the street with cars stopping and starting every few minutes to the rhythm of the light. There is a family coming out of the restaurant a few stores down, and the kids are squealing as they run to the car. They shout encouragements to their parents who fall more and more behind. My friend slowly talks about art and the meaning of life as he quickly starts whaling at the moonas if his problems were goi ng to be fixed by it. My manager sits on the curb, only making sounds of agreement, and pings are coming from the devices in her hands. Inside there is a lot of work to be done. There is fabric to be put away and trash to go out with a timer cause someone forgot a lunch break and cant stay any later then asked. The sound of each employee turning on their music starts so each corner of the store seems to have a taste of each type. Its more livelier everyone is talking about their day and happy to share what been happening at home. The sound or the click of all the radios turn off as each one decides that yelling and hollering to each other is a better choice. I go back to the cart I didnt know if I wanted to put away earlier, knowing I have to drag it as the heavyweight of it makes it crash into each end cap. The sense of working near someone is comforting as each does their own thing, hearing the sound of breath if not the music of choice first. The sound of the light switch clickin g slowly starts, and the carts squeak back to their homes as the alarm beeps, warning that anyone left isnt wanted company, and with that we close for ourselves.